Friday 22 January 2016

Part 2 of What's in my handbag!

Hello Everyone!

So on my last post I set a goal to get over 50 views from what's in my handbag part 1. And we accomplished that goal which makes me very happy so thank you all so much. Before we head onto the blog, i would just like to say that school will be starting soon and it's going to be the busiest year, I want to try and aim for a blog a week when school starts,  But I decided there will be 2 blog posts this week! One today and there will be a 'back to school' one on Monday! I have already got over 100 views already so i'm very thankful! As our goal last week was, I would like to try and get to 50 views again! Ok let's get on with the Blog!

So on the beauty side of my handbag the first thing I have in my pocket is a tiny beauty blender that i got from Sephora, i think this product is great and blends within' like 30 seconds so I think that's great for my handbag pocket.

Next is my tru blend foundation by covergirl, I love this foundation so much it's very easy to use and has a pump too! Every girl need a pump for their foundation! It lasts so long and doesn't give the glucky effect on my skin (if that's even a word).

After my foundation I just have the same concealer as my foundation, I personally prefer liquid concealer but since this is just in my handbag i just have simple concealer crayon.

Next I would usually apply any type of pink blush because it's summer and pink blush is the way to go! This blush is from revlon but I couldn't find the colour shade for some reason. Sorry :/

Once I have done my cheeks I just apply my FAVOURITE MASCARA OF ALL TIME! This mascara is called Roller Lash by benefit, I have noticed that it's not sticky and dry, it's perfect length and completes the makeup look! I just love it!

Finally for my lips I have this moisturizing light pink lipstick, It's perfect shade for summer and just makes your lips pop out a little bit more!


So that concludes my beauty in my handbag!
I hope you all enjoyed this blog, remember to share so we can get this to 50 views like last time!
Feel free to comment any questions.
Follow my new Instagram which is @madisloanblog

Thanks again everyone!

Madi Sloan x